
Hot Questions: Are You Cool Enough To Answer?

Hot Questions: Are You Cool Enough To Answer?

  • Can you easily field questions from a gallery or potential client about your paintings, recordings, or photographs?
  • Do you want to know how to answer any difficult and sudden question creatively?
  • Do you want to control stress when suddenly asked a question by your boss, interviewer, or mother-in-law?

Polish deConstruction and Polish Your Polish Toastmasters are organizing a series of trainings in applied acting skills, to help anyone feel fantastic when answering any surprising questions in front of an audience. Toastmasters are experts at „Table Topics„, where they publicly give creative answers to questions in one and a half minutes, and know how to have a blast doing it!


This training will cover how you can come up with creative answers on the spot. You will give and receive feedback, and have multiple chances to try out your skills in a fun environment.

When: October 22, 2009 at 19:15


The trainings will occur at Crosse Keys, in the back left room

9 Gracechurch Street
London, London EC3V 0DR

Suggested Donation:

Bring a few quid (5 GBP minimum suggested depending on how hungry you are) so that we can get drinks and snacks together!!

Training Led By:

Michal Misztal, most frequent winner of Polish Your Polish table topics club contests last year (6 times)

Limited to 25 places for each event so sign up as soon as you can at http://hotquestions.eventbrite.com/!

Feedback from previous editions:

  • „Focus on practicing answers, excellent excercise”
  • „Great positive kick of energy!”
  • „Genuine and accurate recommendations”
  • „Pleasant atmosphere”
  • „It’s excellent, that you can hear evaluations and try again multiple times in all in one evening, in order to work on your skills immediately”

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